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When All Is Said And Done by ABBA

When All Is Said And Done chords by ABBA

Guitar chords with lyrics

INTRO on guitar, do these chords: D  G/D (xx0433) A/D(xx0655) D G/D* (xx0787) A/D  D* (xx011 10 10)

Then during the “ahhhhhhh” part play: D  A/C# (x4222x) Bm  F#m  G  A/C#  D

(D) Here's to us (G) one more toast and (A) then we'll pay the bill (D)
Deep inside (G) both of us can (A) feel the autumn chill (D)
Birds of (G/D) passage, (A/D) you and (D) me
We (G/D*) fly instin (A/D) ctively (D*)
When (D) the (A/C#) summer's (Bm) over (F#m/Abass) and the (G) dark clouds (A/C#) hide the (D) sun
Neither (A/C#) you nor I'm (Bm) to (F#m/Abass) blame when (G) all is (A7) said and (D) done

(VERSE) In our lives we have walked some strange and lonely treks
Slightly worn but dignified and not too old for sex
We're still striving for the sky
No taste for humble pie
Thanks for all your generous love and thanks for all the fun
Neither you nor I'm to blame when all is said and done
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Instrumental: D  G/D Dsus4 D  D
        D  G/D Dsus4 D  A/D* (xx0220)  D   D

It's so strange when you're down and lying on the floor
How you rise, shake your head, get up and ask for more
Clear-headed and open-eyed
With nothing left untried
Standing calmly at the crossroads, no desire to run
There's no hurry any more when all is said and done

Standing calmly at the crossroads, no desire to run
There's no hurry any more when all is said and done

The part where it goes “Aaahhhhhh…..”


When All Is Said And Done chords

ABBA chords for When all is said and done

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When All Is Said And Done by ABBA guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "When All Is Said And Done" by ABBA! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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