Hann's part for the cover of One Direction's What Makes You Beautiful from the BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEVXmzHY1lU // <- slashes for that 1975 style :) Tuning is standard V E R S E O N E // compressed and reverbed I think, Hann just literally plays hammer ons without picking and lets notes ring. He plays it every now and again but I can't pinpoint how many times, if you watch the video you'll notice when // E ---------------- A ---------------- D ---------------- G -----12h14--12-- B ---------------- e ----------------
C H O R U S // uses lots of distortion and some reverb, he starts picking here and then sliding // E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B ---8s13----8s15----8s13----8s12--13-----8s13----8s15----8s13----8s12--13---------10s15----- e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S O L O // same settings as for the chorus // E ------------------------------------- ---------------------- A ------------------------------------- ---------------------- D ---------------12h14p12----10-------- x3 then ---------------------- G ---12h14p12-------------------------- -12h14p12------------- B ------------------------------------- -----------15h17p15--- e ------------------------------------- ---------------------- O U T R O E ---------------------------- A ---------------------------- D ---------------------------- G ---------------------------- B --17 (let ring)------------- e ------17(x8)--15(x8)--17(x8)// repeat playing 15 and 17 on e until end //